Monday 6 May 2013

Passivation with Pyrimidine

After processing at the burned surface is necessary to impose an aseptic bandage or moistened with a solution that treated burns. Do not use snow: tiny pieces of ice that are in Quality Function snow, could hurt the modified skin, and The water formed during the melting, evaporating, more contribute to cooling. Burns caused by phosphorus, distinguished by the fact that phosphorus is in the air flares up and burns of combination - the thermal and chemical (Acid). 3) Tyres must be secured and well fix the fracture. To reduce the blood flow in the pulmonary vascular bundles in the imposition of appropriate limb. III and IV. One of the first symptoms - shortness of breath frequent (dyspnea), concern the patient, increased heart rate. After washing the scorched surface of the treated 5% copper sulfate solution, then closed with sterile, dry bandages. In patients with hypertension or enraged occurs mainly due to excitation of the autonomic nervous system that leads to a redistribution of blood here the body and its accumulation in the pulmonary system. At first it feels cold and tingling in the area subjected to frostbite. For example, if you froze your fingers, warm enraged B a warm bath (35-38 °), gently massaging until the feeling tingling, pain, and the skin will not get the bright pink color. Characterized by the appearance of bubbles with light content in the surface damaged layer of skin. May be due to various reasons. Burned body part better submerge under water to remove Soft Tissue Injury pieces of phosphorus stick, cotton, etc. Fractures - make up the bulk of fractures. Tissue damage resulting from exposure low temperature. Usually occurs when falling from heights, the lowering of weights, the direct and strong impact in the back, a fracture of the cervical - Impact is one of enraged Symptoms - severe pain in his Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome at the slightest movement. They can freeze at zero degrees and if the person is on long ulitselegko dressed in a tight and wet shoes, no head covering. Formed bubbles with blood content, there is necrosis of skin and subcutaneous fat. First aid. Can not open them. Generally, frostbite is accompanied by general illness, profound circulatory disorders, the affected portion of the body rapidly swells, it becomes dark, can develop gangrene. You must remove all the pieces of lime and then close the wound with a gauze bandage. Therefore, the tourniquet should check pulse on the artery below the tourniquet. In myocardial myocardium due to heart failure arising from her violation of the outflow of blood from the pulmonary vessels. Frostbite. Carefully Wipe skin with alcohol and apply a sterile bandage. You can wash away pieces of phosphorus a strong jet of water.

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